I wasn't going to make this public knowledge, but I decided since I have been open about all that I do in the fundraising world, and Why, Then This needed to be said.
Just before I left for San Francisco to embark on the greatest journey of my cancer fighting adventure, I had my usual follow up appointment. It was discovered that the little tiny piece of Tumor that they were unable to remove has started to grow again. A biopsy was done to rule out if the cancer had returned with the new growth. I asked my Dr to PLEASE not tell me anything about the results until I had returned from San Francisco, one, because there was nothing I could do about it once I was there and two, I wanted to have a good time. (I know sounds selfish)
I didn't tell anyone about this, not my family, my friends, NO ONE! I did enjoy my weekend, but from time to time I have to admit I did slip into this world of concern and a tad bit of depression wondering what the results could be. I don't think anyone really noticed except for Deb...I have a feeling she knew something wasn't quite right and maybe even Robyn too. I just put on my happy face and kept on going. Eventually I had to confide in someone so I told Deb, and Michele a little about it.
Monday came around and I managed to get through most of the day with out a phone call from my doctor. I was feeling pretty confident that it was good news as he did not call. I don't even remember what time it was or even all of what he said when he did call, but I do remember that I was standing in the middle of Boudin bread Factory, and the phone buzzed in my pocket over and over again. I knew where the call was from so I let it go to voicemail..I figured they would leave a message and I would wait till I got home that night to listen to it. NOPE!!! They kept calling...so I answered.
It was THAT call and it was THAT news that I did not want to hear...I pretty much blanked out at this point, all I remember was Tumor growing CANCER returned!!! I didn't want to hear it.. not now.. not again!!! I walked away from everyone..I had to pull myself together and get through the rest of the day. But how.. How do I tell my family, How do I tell my friends..how do I tell myself that life is changing AGAIN in a way I Don't want it to change.
I put on my happy face and made my way back to my friends. The only thing I remember after that is breaking down and telling them a little of what was going on. That group hug from Deb, Robyn and Jessica meant more to me at that point in time than anything. It wouldn't change things and it wouldn't make it go away but it made me feel a little more secure.
The rest of the afternoon and the flight home was a blur. I just put myself in some sort of shell and went through the motions..I wasn't really there. All I kept thinking was how would I tell my family.
Now Before I go any further I have to say that since that day my prognosis has changed a bit and things are not great but they are not as bad as they were made to be by the DR on that first day. Which if he had told me differently then I may not have been so devastated.
When I got home I continued to go through the motions. I didn't even tell my family till Yesterday when i got a more sold result and a bit of better news. Now I am glad I waited to tell them.
After more testing and beginning treatments for the worst case scenario it turns out that YES the tumor is growing again, and it has shifted slightly. As for CANCER (that's such a scary word) report was mis-read... yup mis-read and told to me wrong. The actual results are that the Tumor does show Precancerous activity. This means that YES there is a great potential of cancer coming back, and YES I do need to be very much concerned but at this point the cancer HAS NOT returned. Now if that was what I was told on Monday I would not have put myself, and my friends through almost a weeks worth of pain.
So what next??? Well I will go through a bit of Radiation Therapy as a precaution, and I will continue to monitor the growth pattern and growth speed of the Tumor, and because of the fact that it's a Olfactory groove meningiomas, ( grows along the nerves that run between the brain and the nose) I may have the possibility of loosing my sense of smell. This will be sad if I do, but it's much better than before, remember, I told you it has moved, well because of that movement it no longer rest on my optic nerve which has contributed to my very bad eye sight and migraines. So now I am in less danger of loosing my eyesight. Which I think I would miss much more than my sense of smell.
It will still be a long hard road, Dr's orders are to reduce stress, eat better and continue to exercise as my energy levels will allow. Well, I tell you this. I started on a journey to RUN4Life and I will continue on that Journey...next up Disney Wine & Dine on November 10th. Raising money with this race for Angel Snugs. What is Angel Snugs you ask... GOOD question it is a non-profit organization founded to provide training to youth groups and organizations, senior groups and other volunteers of all demographics on how to design and create "snugs". It's mission is to then donate these "snugs" to medical facilities to comfort children fighting cancer while enduring their lifesaving treatments.
It was started by my dear friend Angi...Yup not to confuse you but her name is Angi too and spelt the same as mine...So from here on out I'll make sure to address her as Angi F.
I'll tell you more about Angel Snugs Inc. and Team Winging it in my next post. but for now please think about making a donation to my fundraising page at http://www.active.com/donate/winging-it-disney-wd/wingsofluv
Much Luv
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
RACE DAY!!! Sunday October 14th 2012
Well folks here it is RACE DAY!
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The Start Line of the Nike Women's Marathon 2012 a race to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society |
Deb & I in our Corral before the race |
Deb & Kathy before the race |
Start of the race...PEOPLE as far as you can see and beyond |
The race started out slow, because there were just so many people 35,000 people to be exact. Not including all the spectators along the way. The first 5 miles flew by like they were nothing. I even took pictures along the way. It was very foggy so there wasn't a whole lot to see, but None the less I took photos.
Just before mile 2 |
Ship docked at the Wharf about mile 3 |
Along the Wharf |
Before I knew I was just before Mile 5 and the first of many hills to come that would really test my strength, my training, and my will power to finish this race. This was a filler, but the worst was yet to come.
MILE 6!!!
That is a true test of any ones strength. The point were you look at yourself and second guess WHY you did this to yourself. It was the longest steepest soul dragging hill I have ever seen, and All I kept trying to do was put one foot in front of the other. About half way up I remember seeing someone that looked like one of my past coaches..Coach Laura. I've mentioned her before an a few of my past post. Then out of nowhere another coach yells out Ladies "SWING THOSE ARMS".. all of a sudden like out of no where I felt the power to keep going up this hill. Now mind you this was a LONG steady climb for pretty much an entire mile. I had to dig deep and find motivation more than once. When it got hard and thoughts of just stopping and letting the bug pick me up snuck into my head, I remembered WHY I started this journey. I remembered Talia who is at home in the hospital, Jacob, and I kept seeing that beautiful little face of a sweet Angel named LILLY and felt the encouragement of Christian. They truly did help push me through several times.
Some photos along the way:
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Love This sign!!! |
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Sign Along the way lol!! |
Just after Mile 10
THE FINISH!!!!! 13.1
When I finally reached mile 10 I thought my legs were going to fall off. Not because of the long miles, but those hills really kicked my butt. I started to slow down a lot. I was on track to finish this race in under 4:00 which would have been a PR (personal record) for me. Which considering where I was would have been amazing. My legs had another time in mind. It took all I could give to just keep putting that one foot in front of the other. At mile 11 I wasn't any better. It was so strange though because overall I felt good. I wasn't tired or winded, my mind was in a great place. I felt good! It was my LEGS however that were taking control, and they were saying they had enough!!!! My ankle was selling my calves rock solid and my upper thighs felt like they were on fire. FIRE!! WAIT!!! Fire= Firemen...FIREMEN = Tiffany Necklace. All This = FINISH LINE!!!! MUST KEEP GOING!!!!
At Mile 12.5 I could finally see the finish line, and I knew I was going to make it. This is when my teammate Patrice caught up to me. Thank goodness for her. because even though I knew I was almost there my very sore legs still wanted to go cry in a corner somewhere. She looked at me and said "come on 25 steps fast" and that's what I did ran 25 seconds... then "45 slow" that was all I need to get me to the point where I was ready to RUN across that finish line, and Run I did.
I DID IT!!!!!
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Finish line photo |
The Fireman Who gave me my Tiffany &Co. Finishers Me |
Mile 2 Video
MILE 6 Video
Saturday October 13th 2012 The Adventure Continues
Our stop on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge |
So you will be reading this sometime during the week after I get back, but in my world it is Saturday 10/13/12... Woke up today about 6 am San Fran time that is. My body is still on the east coast time of 9am. I couldn't really go back to sleep so I laid in bed looking out the window at the amazing skyline. It's so beautiful here. My very Early morning view |
Part of our Amazing FL team. |
At first I was bummed about the early time for us, but after it proved to be the best because it gave us the rest of today to site see on Day 2 of the Double Decker Bus tour. And we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
We took the bus through the city and learned about the history and the many different buildings. We went down to fisherman's wharf to do a little shopping and to hit the Boudin Bread Factory for Dinner. I had Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl and man was it GOOD!!!
But before that we went on the double decker tour of the Golden Gate Bridge and Sausolito. The views were amazing and the bus tour guide that we had was hilarious. Instead of boring you with all the details here are some photos from along the way.
Fisherman's Wharf |
Candy Store that had HUGE candies |
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Golden Gate Bridge |
Trolley car |
Myself, Deb & Robyn at Golden Gate Bridge |
Made it.
It's Actually Friday October 12th 2012 and, Well, I made it. I'm in San Francisco!!! Its has been very emotional and exciting at the same time. We arrived today at the airport and were put on a bus to the hotel.
Once at the hotel we checked in, and thanks to some smooth talking by my roommate and bestest friend Deb we ended up with a room on the 31st floor of a 36 floor hotel...with a view over looking the city, Alcatraz, Coit Tower and the Bay Bridge. Its breath taking.
Now by WE, I mean the best group of friends and teammates anyone could ask for. Deb, Robyn, Michele, Rich, Jessica, Hope & Nikki. After eating and walking around for a bit we went to this place called the Buena Vista (as recommended by Deb)..it was a very small Irish Pub that made the best Irish Coffees...it was cool to watch them being made.
At this point we got our first taste of race day. We had to walk up a hill that we will be walking up on race day and it wasn't small. I said to Michele that this one wasn't all that bad and she tells me "oh, well that's just a small hill...they will be bigger later in the race"..NOW I'm nervous cause I'm looking at 13.1 miles of hills. Oh well I guess I'll worry about that on Sunday.
For Dinner we decided to walk about 4 blocks to this restaurant called the Stinking Rose...its a little Italian garlic restaurant..the food was amazing.

We finished the night with a stroll through China Town and some window shopping..then back to the hotel room to the sack.
It was a pretty long crazy fun day. I slept like a baby I was so tired...after all it is 3 hours earlier here...not quite adjusted to this time zone yet...
Its now time for bed..its actually Saturday now and I have to get up early for race day tomorrow...so I'll tell you all about today's adventures and the race in the next post.
Our Team in Training Nike Team waiting at the airport for the bus. |
Once at the hotel we checked in, and thanks to some smooth talking by my roommate and bestest friend Deb we ended up with a room on the 31st floor of a 36 floor hotel...with a view over looking the city, Alcatraz, Coit Tower and the Bay Bridge. Its breath taking.
First thing we did after settling in our room was head over to Nike town. This is were you can purchase just about anything Nike. Outside of the building of the wall they list the names of all the participants. It was so cool to find my name and even cooler that it was were I could see it and have my picture taken with it. Inside there was another wall that you could write on so I found a place to write run4life Angi...I made my mark.
The Great Nike Wall of names! |
After looking around the 4 floors of Nike town we headed over to the Expoteque to pick up our race packets. Its was cool because I was a Nike plus member I got a special bag. After walking around and checking out the expo for a while we were pretty hungry. We knew we wanted to do a double decker tour so we went ahead and purchased a 2 day pass...now let me tell you it was pretty funny..there's like 3 different companies standing there trying to get you to take their bus, so they stand there and haggle with you . The winning one for us was the City Sight seeing tours...why...because it had an express bus that took us straight to fisherman's Wharf..where In and Out burgers was located...why because we were starving and they have the best burgers and fries ever.
Now by WE, I mean the best group of friends and teammates anyone could ask for. Deb, Robyn, Michele, Rich, Jessica, Hope & Nikki. After eating and walking around for a bit we went to this place called the Buena Vista (as recommended by Deb)..it was a very small Irish Pub that made the best Irish Coffees...it was cool to watch them being made.
For Dinner we decided to walk about 4 blocks to this restaurant called the Stinking Rose...its a little Italian garlic restaurant..the food was amazing.
We finished the night with a stroll through China Town and some window shopping..then back to the hotel room to the sack.
It was a pretty long crazy fun day. I slept like a baby I was so tired...after all it is 3 hours earlier here...not quite adjusted to this time zone yet...
Its now time for bed..its actually Saturday now and I have to get up early for race day tomorrow...so I'll tell you all about today's adventures and the race in the next post.
Night all!!!!Monday, October 8, 2012
Some of the races along the way...
by Angi's Place on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 1:08am ·
While taking this incredible journey I actually lost my mind a little. I actually started wanting to get in better shape. I started wanting to run more races. It's like this new fire in me was ignited.
I have actually already walked in several races, and I made a New Years Resolution to do one race a month every month of 2012.
These are the races and stats so far.
October 23, 2011
UCF U Can Finish 5 miler: Finished in 1:30:22 placed in 1426 place out of 1438 people.
November 13, 2011
Founders day 5k: Finished in 57:42 placed 746 out of 756 people.
December 10, 2011
Vanessa Welch Reindeer Run 3 mile race: Not a timed event.
January 7th 2012
Disney ½ Marathon: Finished in 4:02:56 placed 22341 out of 22443 (that completed)
February 4, 2012
Lady Track Shack 5k: Finished in 54:24 place 1676 out of 1837
I have started working on my issues with a new doctor. I found out that I had a severe B12 deficiency, which has gotten better. I'm eating better, making small changes in food, and exercise. My knees are still an issue but as I am losing weight and my legs are getting stronger, they are getting much better. Now I have it in my head that I want to RUN my next ½ Marathon. Yup I did say my next ½.
I have actually already walked in several races, and I made a New Years Resolution to do one race a month every month of 2012.
These are the races and stats so far.
October 23, 2011
UCF U Can Finish 5 miler: Finished in 1:30:22 placed in 1426 place out of 1438 people.
November 13, 2011
Founders day 5k: Finished in 57:42 placed 746 out of 756 people.
December 10, 2011
Vanessa Welch Reindeer Run 3 mile race: Not a timed event.
January 7th 2012
Disney ½ Marathon: Finished in 4:02:56 placed 22341 out of 22443 (that completed)
February 4, 2012
Lady Track Shack 5k: Finished in 54:24 place 1676 out of 1837
I have started working on my issues with a new doctor. I found out that I had a severe B12 deficiency, which has gotten better. I'm eating better, making small changes in food, and exercise. My knees are still an issue but as I am losing weight and my legs are getting stronger, they are getting much better. Now I have it in my head that I want to RUN my next ½ Marathon. Yup I did say my next ½.
The Journey has only begun...
by Angi's Place on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 1:10am ·
This is now a life long journey for me. One that I hope I can continue to keep you posted on here at Angi's place.
Now I WANT to RUN!! . Yup RUN not walk my second 1/2 Marathon in October. The Nike woman’s half in San Francisco (with Team in Training). So, I went back to the basics of learning to run, I have continued my training on my own with a New Years resolution to do 1 race a month no matter how small every month this year . Official training for Nike starts in April or May, but for now I am speed walking 5K's and adding in the running a little at a time. . I have caught a passion for running that I can't believe.
Next on my plate I am doing a 5K next Sunday, then a 10k the week after that. In April I have two 5Kk's and maybe even MyFirst Tri-athalon. May another Disney event, September a 10 mile race, Then Nike in October.
Some plans for the future: a Full Marathon in 2013, and a century ride in 2014, maybe even a half Iron Man in 2015, and an Iron Man in 2016
Wow I must be crazy, but I love every minute of it.
And to think it all started from a Dream, a little boy I never met, and the best friends and teammates ever!!!!
Now I WANT to RUN!! . Yup RUN not walk my second 1/2 Marathon in October. The Nike woman’s half in San Francisco (with Team in Training). So, I went back to the basics of learning to run, I have continued my training on my own with a New Years resolution to do 1 race a month no matter how small every month this year . Official training for Nike starts in April or May, but for now I am speed walking 5K's and adding in the running a little at a time. . I have caught a passion for running that I can't believe.
Next on my plate I am doing a 5K next Sunday, then a 10k the week after that. In April I have two 5Kk's and maybe even MyFirst Tri-athalon. May another Disney event, September a 10 mile race, Then Nike in October.
Some plans for the future: a Full Marathon in 2013, and a century ride in 2014, maybe even a half Iron Man in 2015, and an Iron Man in 2016
Wow I must be crazy, but I love every minute of it.
And to think it all started from a Dream, a little boy I never met, and the best friends and teammates ever!!!!
Why LLS, Why I do these crazy things.
by Angi's Place on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 6:44pm ·
Many of my friends and family know that I am not much of a runner at all. I NEVER have been, I spend many of my days at work and my nights... well, you'll usually find me at work or at home on the couch. That's about it. Notice how you wouldn't find me at the gym? Yeah.
Why, then, would someone like me, a person who is clearly not athletic, train for a marathon? That is a question I asked myself before I trained for my first ½ marathon back in January of this year. Yes, I have already walked a ½ -- the Disney ½ Marathon. Through out my training I have made some of the best friends ever, and not to leave anyone out the dearest of these are my 2 fellow Team Aries members Deb and Robyn. Now together the 3 of us seem to have gone from that elusive half crazy 13.1 mile training to a certifiably crazy 26.2 . We seem to think it will be "fun" to train for a grueling 26.2-mile marathon together.
Strangely enough, they are right.
For the Disney ½ Marathon we spent almost 6 months training for the ½ marathon and, despite the painful aftermath, we had fun -- early morning runs, great long conversations as we walked, and a couple amazing brunches after our weekly long runs. We kept each other on check, holding each other accountable, and I venture to say we formed a bond that was very familiar. We also met plenty of people along the way, most of whom were avid runners, some who have run marathons before. At the end of the ½ marathon, I thought, "Why would anyone do that again?
Here I am before you, about to train for my second event, a FULL marathon. The first event I did was a personal challenge. I wanted to finish a ½ marathon, check off one thing on my "bucket list." This time it's different.
Everyday I meet people who have survived a blood cancer, or someone who has lost someone to a blood cancer. I have a personal friend whose life was once touch by this awful disease. Above all the (many) reasons I chose to train with LLS's Team In Training, I am running this one for my friend and the countless others out there who have had to cross paths with this wretched disease. I will work to continue in the fight against Leukemia & Lymphoma by raising money to help find the cure and improve the quality of life of Lymphoma patients and their families.
***NOTE.. since this post, my doctor informed me that I would not be able to complete a Full Marathon at this time because of my issues with my knees, so I decided to step down to the 1/2 Marathon for Nike. My great friend deb joined me and we both are still cheering on Robyn as she completes her first Full. Go Team Aries***
Why, then, would someone like me, a person who is clearly not athletic, train for a marathon? That is a question I asked myself before I trained for my first ½ marathon back in January of this year. Yes, I have already walked a ½ -- the Disney ½ Marathon. Through out my training I have made some of the best friends ever, and not to leave anyone out the dearest of these are my 2 fellow Team Aries members Deb and Robyn. Now together the 3 of us seem to have gone from that elusive half crazy 13.1 mile training to a certifiably crazy 26.2 . We seem to think it will be "fun" to train for a grueling 26.2-mile marathon together.
Strangely enough, they are right.
For the Disney ½ Marathon we spent almost 6 months training for the ½ marathon and, despite the painful aftermath, we had fun -- early morning runs, great long conversations as we walked, and a couple amazing brunches after our weekly long runs. We kept each other on check, holding each other accountable, and I venture to say we formed a bond that was very familiar. We also met plenty of people along the way, most of whom were avid runners, some who have run marathons before. At the end of the ½ marathon, I thought, "Why would anyone do that again?
Here I am before you, about to train for my second event, a FULL marathon. The first event I did was a personal challenge. I wanted to finish a ½ marathon, check off one thing on my "bucket list." This time it's different.
Everyday I meet people who have survived a blood cancer, or someone who has lost someone to a blood cancer. I have a personal friend whose life was once touch by this awful disease. Above all the (many) reasons I chose to train with LLS's Team In Training, I am running this one for my friend and the countless others out there who have had to cross paths with this wretched disease. I will work to continue in the fight against Leukemia & Lymphoma by raising money to help find the cure and improve the quality of life of Lymphoma patients and their families.
***NOTE.. since this post, my doctor informed me that I would not be able to complete a Full Marathon at this time because of my issues with my knees, so I decided to step down to the 1/2 Marathon for Nike. My great friend deb joined me and we both are still cheering on Robyn as she completes her first Full. Go Team Aries***
So Began a New Journey...
So began a new Journey...
by Angi's Place on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 12:52am ·
I started training for Team in Training (TNT)for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) in August 2011. Working to be able to finish the Disney ½ Marathon in January 2012. The reason I started was not to really even do the ½ marathon, it was to raise money for a great cause. To help them so that they could find answers to a disease that has claimed the lives of so many. I learned that LLS is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services. Wow!! I translated that dream as God's way of telling me this is what he saved me for. To help raise money for this great cause.
To make things go a little more to the weird side. I walked into the LLS office one day, and as I was waiting in the lobby I glanced over at a bunch of pictures on the wall. The first face I saw was the face of that little boy that got me here. There was a picture of Christian hanging on the wall wearing a TNT t-shirt. Wow!! That was a sign to me that I was doing the right thing.
So back to the whole marathon thing. I never even intended to do it. I was just trying to raise money. I figured I needed to at least go to a training or 2, so I went to the first Saturday Team Training. When I got there I first saw all these skinny, very physically fit people and I was about to turn my car around. But then I saw the purple TNT shirts by the water fountain at Blue Jacket Park. They looked like ordinary people. Some where really fit, some not so much, and some right in the middle. Hmm. I got out of the car and went see what it was all about...
To make things go a little more to the weird side. I walked into the LLS office one day, and as I was waiting in the lobby I glanced over at a bunch of pictures on the wall. The first face I saw was the face of that little boy that got me here. There was a picture of Christian hanging on the wall wearing a TNT t-shirt. Wow!! That was a sign to me that I was doing the right thing.
So back to the whole marathon thing. I never even intended to do it. I was just trying to raise money. I figured I needed to at least go to a training or 2, so I went to the first Saturday Team Training. When I got there I first saw all these skinny, very physically fit people and I was about to turn my car around. But then I saw the purple TNT shirts by the water fountain at Blue Jacket Park. They looked like ordinary people. Some where really fit, some not so much, and some right in the middle. Hmm. I got out of the car and went see what it was all about...
The Journey continues...
by Angi's Place on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 1:05am ·
At the first training I think we walked about 2 miles. Man it was the longest 2 miles of my life. What did I get myself into. I also met Robyn at this first training, a short red head with fire in her eyes, and a balance issue that made her wobble down the road. Let's just say we became fast friends.
Group training week 2, I met Deb, a very nice women that reminded me so much of me that I had to get to know her...New friend #2...hmmm this whole thing was getting good. I was making friends, and I was exercising at the same time. I decided that I would at least go to those Saturday trainings. As time went on I was forming relationships and bonds with so many team mates that I was actually feeling better about myself. I was actually training during the week now on my own, and I looked forward to those Saturday group trainings even though the miles were growing longer and longer. I was actually WANTING to do this, WANTING to finish this half Marathon. I was learning so much...
Group training week 2, I met Deb, a very nice women that reminded me so much of me that I had to get to know her...New friend #2...hmmm this whole thing was getting good. I was making friends, and I was exercising at the same time. I decided that I would at least go to those Saturday trainings. As time went on I was forming relationships and bonds with so many team mates that I was actually feeling better about myself. I was actually training during the week now on my own, and I looked forward to those Saturday group trainings even though the miles were growing longer and longer. I was actually WANTING to do this, WANTING to finish this half Marathon. I was learning so much...
A lesson in life...
by Angi's Place on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 1:07am ·
Let me tell you I learned a great lesson in teamwork from this group. I learned that I could do anything I put my mind to. I met Deb, Robyn, Jessica, Sara, Gina, Liliana, Patrice, and so many other people who were now more like a family.
I had three of the best coaches ever. Coach Clint was our walk coach. He was great, and if not for him I would have missed some of those Saturday trainings that were just too far away. He held smaller group trainings that were closer to home. Coach Laura, she did something that no one has ever done for me before. She proved to me that I could do this, that if I really put my mind to it that I could actually FINISH this ½ Marathon. “Swing those arms no talking” That was what she told me during one of my speed trainings. It began a long standing joke from there. Then Coach Rich, he walked the entire Marathon with me and my friend Deb. From start to finish, he was there coaching us to slow down at the beginning so we didn't use up all our energy too soon. Helping to guide us where to walk so that we were walking the shortest route. Then towards the end making us look back to see all the people that were still behind us. Showing us that we weren't last. That we had both done this.
I learned a lot from TNT. I changed a lot because of it. I met the best group of friends/teammates anyone would ever want to have.
Now I am closer to GOD than I ever was before, I believe in myself again, and I know that he speared me for many reason. I have set up many goals for myself, but this time on my terms. I am ready to start a life as a healthier version of me.
I had three of the best coaches ever. Coach Clint was our walk coach. He was great, and if not for him I would have missed some of those Saturday trainings that were just too far away. He held smaller group trainings that were closer to home. Coach Laura, she did something that no one has ever done for me before. She proved to me that I could do this, that if I really put my mind to it that I could actually FINISH this ½ Marathon. “Swing those arms no talking” That was what she told me during one of my speed trainings. It began a long standing joke from there. Then Coach Rich, he walked the entire Marathon with me and my friend Deb. From start to finish, he was there coaching us to slow down at the beginning so we didn't use up all our energy too soon. Helping to guide us where to walk so that we were walking the shortest route. Then towards the end making us look back to see all the people that were still behind us. Showing us that we weren't last. That we had both done this.
I learned a lot from TNT. I changed a lot because of it. I met the best group of friends/teammates anyone would ever want to have.
Now I am closer to GOD than I ever was before, I believe in myself again, and I know that he speared me for many reason. I have set up many goals for myself, but this time on my terms. I am ready to start a life as a healthier version of me.
Just when Life seemed hopeless, a light in the dark!
OK since I can't seem to stay on on track I'm gonna back pedal again. This is actually a post that I had made on the Angi's place place page. I decided I wanted to move everything over to this blog as I plan on keeping it going.
Originally Written March 12th 2012
I was praying pretty heavily those days. Just seemed like God was not listening. Why would he. I wasn't being very appreciative of the fact that I was alive. One night in June, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in a bad Star Wars episode. Luke Skywalker was standing in front of me offering me the chance to live with the force of good, or die in the depths of evil. I know this sounds strange, but it is very true and the first time I have ever told anyone!!!
When I woke up my first thought was of a friend named Rick. His son Christian had passed way at the age of 8 from Leukemia. I looked everywhere for that postcard from the LLS about Team in Training. I could not find it anywhere at all.
Wait let me step back for a minute. What I forgot to tell you which makes the dream even more bizarre is that Christian and his Dad were big Star Wars Fans. If you go to Christians website you can learn more about this amazing little boy. www.sci-fitoys.com/christianstafford.html.
About a week after this dream, I finally found that post card again. I prayed once again for God to please make a change in my life. This time I woke up and it was just sitting on my night stand. Yeah I KNOW I threw that thing away. I figured what could I lose by looking into it. I went to the information meeting, something was sparked in me that night. Something that I wasn't sure of, but something that I knew was going to put me on a new journey in life. One that felt worth living. Thank to a crazy dream, and a little boy who I never even met.
*** More past post to come just to get everyone up to speed on the background behind this Run4Life blog****
Originally Written March 12th 2012
I was praying pretty heavily those days. Just seemed like God was not listening. Why would he. I wasn't being very appreciative of the fact that I was alive. One night in June, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in a bad Star Wars episode. Luke Skywalker was standing in front of me offering me the chance to live with the force of good, or die in the depths of evil. I know this sounds strange, but it is very true and the first time I have ever told anyone!!!
When I woke up my first thought was of a friend named Rick. His son Christian had passed way at the age of 8 from Leukemia. I looked everywhere for that postcard from the LLS about Team in Training. I could not find it anywhere at all.
Wait let me step back for a minute. What I forgot to tell you which makes the dream even more bizarre is that Christian and his Dad were big Star Wars Fans. If you go to Christians website you can learn more about this amazing little boy. www.sci-fitoys.com/christianstafford.html.
About a week after this dream, I finally found that post card again. I prayed once again for God to please make a change in my life. This time I woke up and it was just sitting on my night stand. Yeah I KNOW I threw that thing away. I figured what could I lose by looking into it. I went to the information meeting, something was sparked in me that night. Something that I wasn't sure of, but something that I knew was going to put me on a new journey in life. One that felt worth living. Thank to a crazy dream, and a little boy who I never even met.
*** More past post to come just to get everyone up to speed on the background behind this Run4Life blog****
It's almost Flight Time!!!
WOW!! It's hard to believe that in just 3 short days I will be boarding a flight to San Francisco. That all the hard work of the past 6 months will be behind me and Yet another goal will have come to an end. I am so very glad that I signed up for this second season of TNT. I feel like every season I do I grow just a little bit more. I realize a little more what is important in life. I am so very thankful that I am a survivor, and I am so glad that I have had the chance to make a difference in the world.
So now is the time to reflect a little on why I even began this journey.
Season one was for 2 reason' s I hate to say it this way, but the number one reason was ME! Yup, ME! I'm not trying to be selfish in the least.
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