Saturday, May 25, 2013

11th Annual Greater Oviedo 5k Recap & #Run3rd Honor

Today I ran the 11th Annual Greater Oviedo 5k. This was the first time that I ran this race, but it was a great race. It is put on every year by the First Baptist Church of Oviedo and there were over 700 participants.

It was a mostly shaded course through the neighborhood behind the church, then you ended on the Cross Seminole Trail and returned to the Finish line in front of the church. After the race there was a pancake and egg breakfast, vendors and prizes. The only down fall to the race was the 7:30 am start time. It was pretty hot out today, and by the end it was getting to the point of too hot. Even just a half hour earlier at 7am would have made a difference. Still a race I would do again.

I ran this race with my ever faithful, ever growing, ever loved Mom's Run This Town. We had a great turnout this time with Okely, Caryn, Brandyn, Trisha, Michele and I in attendance.
Brandyn, Trisha, Me, Okely, Caryn, Michele
 Being Memorial Day Weekend, it was also the perfect race to #Run3rd for our Military. Actually, i have a special story I would like to share about the little White start that you can see attached to my shirt over my heart. Also pictured below with the paper that explains what the star is for. While I was at work the other day, I was talking with a coworker about #Run3rd and what it means, about the different races that I have done, and why i keep doing these races in honor of other people, some that I don't even know. One of my guest came up to me and handed me a little baggy with a white star in it. He told me it belonged to his friend that recently passed, and that they both served in Vietnam together. He didn't say anything other than that then walked away. When I read the little piece of paper that was inside, it brought me to tears, and I new exactly what I needed to do. I will #Run3rd with this star proudly displayed in all my future races. Today was my chance to honor the man who once proudly flew this flag over his home and his friend that gave it to me. It's a pure HONOR!!!!

I also #Run3rd today for All our Military, Past Present & Future. For Harry a friends father who I pray for to heal. For Boston and all the Heroes there, & for the Victims of the Oklahoma tornado's
My Race Bib with my #Run3rd Dedications

The Star and paper that was with it. A Real Honor!

My new 5k PR
 Today was also a PR Day for both myself and my teammate Trisha. She finished a very strong 30:46.68 (9:55 min mile) She did an amazing job. So very proud of her. I too PR'd. I am still pretty slow, but I celebrate ever milestone. My new 5k time is 49:57.12 (16:04min mile)  For some it may not sound like much, but for me it is a major accomplishment and I post this time very proudly. As my friend Robyn would say. I'm faster than the couch!

Michele and her son. It was his 1st 5k
After the race it was nice to go home and relax and ice my knees and wear my Pro Compression Socks. AHHHH!

ahh Pro Compression Socks and Ice

Mothers Day Teal Ribbon 5k race recap.

On Sunday May 12th 2013, I ran yet another of my repeat races. It's nice to run a race and say in the back of my mind, "I did this last year, now lets see if I improved?" I love that I am repeating race, that just means that I am really sticking with this.

Last year I ran this race with the Waste Pro Group, but this year I ran with my Chapter of Moms Run This Town. I have really enjoyed being a Chapter Leader for this running group, and it helps keep me motivated to keep on moving and gives me something to be accountable to. I know me I NEED something or someone to be accountable to or else I tend to just give up.That's just one of my many faults.

Now back to the race. This race is held at the Oviedo Mall, which is really starting to grow on me. This is the 4th time that I have run a race here. it's sounds weird to say i ran a race around the mall. Especially since I worked at the theatre there for over 5 years, but it's actually a nice course. It goes out around the mall, then turns around and comes back.

This race is special to me because it is for Ovarian Cancer, of which I am a survivor. This years race was even more special because it was on Mothers Day and my Daughter ran it with me, what better Mothers Day present than to run a 5k with your little girl. OK, so she is 19 and not that little anymore, but in my heart she will always be my little girl. It was her first 5k, and I was honored to run it with her. I was also very proud that she finished strong. I hope that we can run more races together in the future, maybe even run a 1/2 Marathon together.

It was also an honor to run it with my fellow Moms Run This Town team mates. In attendance were Jean and her Daughter Emi, who is always a pleasure to run with. Trisha, Miranda, Patrice and Noelle.

Overall, this was a good race that I will do year after year (hopefully with my daughter). It is a baby-stroller friendly race and has a kids race as well. The proceeds from this event go to the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida, and is managed by racetime managment. This event is a chip timed event using the RFID Timing Systems Ultra disposable chip on bib. Awards will be given to the Overall Male and Female, overall masters male and female, and 3 deep in the following male and female age categories.  10 and under, 11-14,  15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and Over.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mom's Run For Talia!! & Why!!

I have done many races since starting with Team in Training in August of 2011. I have blogged here about those races, and also about my life in general. Things seem to be evolving for me to a whole new level. Now I'm a Chapter Leader for a Running Group called Mom's Run this Town, I'm a member of my beloved running groups Endurance Sports Connection, #run3rd, and Disney Pacebook Running Club. I am still a full time Movie Theatre Manager, Fiance, Mom of 3 and Cancer Survivor. My hats seem to change from time to time, but the constant in my life beside my Family and my battle with cancer, RUNNING is tops in my life.

I have run for Team in Training, I have Run for Angel Snugs, and I have run for myself. Through all those races, I have always #run3rd for Christian & Lily. Two courageous children that I have never even had the pleasure to meet, but love there parents so much, that my heart continue to ache for their loss. And for Talia & Jacob who continue to fight Cancer yet find a way to reach out to the world through social media to encourage others.


I know I've posted this before, but since my blog has taken on a whole new meaning, I wanted to post this for those who may have not gone back to read old post. My reason for this site in both personal and now public.

Why it's personal for me:

In 2002 I was diagnosed with Grade II Atypical Meningioma. Basically it is a tumor that forms on the lining of the Brain. I started to go through radiation therapy, which was successful. In 2006 the tumor had come back as a Grade III Malignant Meningioma. I then went through another session of radiation Therapy. This time not as successful as the first. In 2007 I had Endoscopic Surgery to remove a majority of the tumor. In 2009 I went through a procedure called Stereotactic Gamma knife something or other Surgery that was very successful in removing the last bit of the tumor. So they thought.  I was also diagnosed with Ovarian cancer which after a short treatment period and a complete Hysterectomy I am still doing fine.In October 2012, I had a brief scare that cancer had returned to a little piece of Tumor that was actually left behind, but good news it was not Cancer, but what the DR called a per-cancerous state, that later he said was fine?? So as of now I continue to be Cancer Free. Although my DR will not consider me completely cancer Free until it has been 5 years with no scares. So I guess that starts over now with the last Scare in October 2012. NAH!!! I'm going by the 2009 Surgery. So Feb 2013 was 4 years.

So that's where it all began.....

Why run for Talia:

Now I am starting a new fundraising Journey. Because of Talia and her amazing inspiration, My self and my Running Group Mom's Run This Town will be running and raising money for Base Camp. We will participate in the Base Camp Miles for Smiles event on September 21st 2013. Each of us will raise money for Base Camp and help them to continue to help make a difference in the lives of Children with Cancer and Their Families. About BASE Camp Children’s Cancer Foundation: BASE Camp website is and Facebook page is . For over 30 years, BASE Camp, has been providing financial support, recreation, food and transportation to over 12,000 families battling childhood cancer.

Talia, has been a big part of my Running Journey. She motivates me to keep going and to continue to find new ways to help out and make a difference in this world. To make a difference in the fight against cancer, especially childhood cancer. 

Basecamp released this this week: 

Talia Joy Castellano has been fighting cancer for nearly 7 years and last August she was told she has a new second kind of cancer. The 13 year old was already a YouTube sensation with her makeup tutorials. When she delivered the news about this new form of cancer, she said, “Life is like a journey. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. And I guess my journey is nearing the end.” This video went viral and Talia went from 25,000 YouTube subscribers to over a half a million in addition to 100,000 Facebook likes, 1 Million Instagram followers and 60,000 Twitter followers. Talia has continued to do her makeup videos and do cancer updates. She has enjoyed all the opportunities that she was able to in the last few months. Through it all, she has continued to be her spunky, sassy self. When Talia appeared on The Ellen Show, she was asked how does she keep her spirits up? Her answer; “A little fish once told me, just keep swimming.”

A couple of weeks ago, new scans revealed that her cancer has spread throughout her bones and it is giving her a lot of pain. She has been on IV pain medication to help. While Talia is now out of treatment options, she is still living her life and wants to make sure that she leaves her “footprints and fingerprints” on the world.

She still has a lot of dreams and one of them is to help children and families who are battling cancer. Talia's favorite charity is the BASE Camp Children's Cancer Foundation. Talia wants to help Base Camp have a permanent home, so she is launching a fundraising campaign called “Bring Hope Home” to raise $100,000. Talia intends to leave her legacy, and one way is by helping BASE Camp. The donation site is:

So that is why Seminole County Chapter of Mom's Run this town will run for Talia!!!  Please keep your eyes open for upcoming information on how you can help me raise funds. Also is you want to join us at this race, or want more information on how you can help, please email me at 


the many faces of Base Camp.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Color Me Rad 5k Reveiw

In January of this year I had the crazy idea of running the Color Run in Orlando. I had such a blast that i decided to try the Color Me Rad 5k on April 13th 2013. I figured it had to be the same and I would have a blast.

I don't know if I was just spoiled by the experience of the Color Run, but this one left a little to be desired.

To start off the race was at the Central Florida Fairgrounds, but packet pick up was at a hotel on Kirkman Rd by Universal Studios. It just seemed a little out of the way to me, but that could just be me.

Traffic getting into the fair grounds on race day was crazy & annoying. I am usually a pretty easy going. laid back kind of person, but by the time I has parked my car I was a little stressed out. I arrived about 2 hours before and so didn't everyone else it seemed. It took me 40 minutes to get from 1 traffic light (1/4 mile from fairgrounds) to the parking area. People were going up the left lane and cutting in front of those in the right lane waiting to enter, and once you got in, there was no one directing cars where to park so they were parking all over the place at weird angles and with space enough to two cars in some spots because they parked so far apart. It was crazy.

The stressed soon melted away once I was parked and started meeting up with my fellow MRTT members. This group of ladies really know how to make things fun. I love that so many are really being a part of the group and getting together to run.

Race start was a little like herding the cattle. There really wasn't much structure to the start line and I don't know why they bothered with wave times, everyone pretty much just went when ever where ever. There were many not a couple, but MANY people on the course that did not have bibs on. This was NOT monitored at all. I overheard one group saying that next year they were not even going to pay to register since it was so easy to just walk on the course.

The course was also disappointing. I knew that some of it was in the field, but not over half of it.  you pretty much ran the whole thing in the grass or dirt or very torn up road area. Uneven hills and large pot holes made it hard on the knees and ankles. The course was not marked out very well, and there was one point where it was very hard to tell which way to go because you either went between these two buildings on a sidewalk, or follow a large crowd down a road (which was the wrong way, they were going to their cars).

It was extremely hot out, and they only has one water stop that was after the 3k mark. To the credit of the race though they did give out those cute little shorty water bottles instead of just a half cup of water.  At this point you really needed it.

I also wasn't prepared for the water soakers. Instead of just the cornstarch powder being thrown, every other location had a water based color that they sprayed at you with one of those pump sprayers the lawn guy uses. Not really a bad idea, but someone forgot to tell the volunteers not to spray people in the face. One lady in fron of me got it right in her eye. Not good. I'm sure that burned a little.

I really didn't want this to come across as being the worst race ever, it's just my opinion of how the race went. I still had a great time because my fellow MRTT friends really made this a ton of fun. Not a race I will pay for to do again anytime in the future.

Run for Fun, Run for You, Run4Life 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

EA Sports Riverside Dash Review

Love the medal

Well, I'm a little late on a few race reviews. Not really on writing them, as I always write them pretty much right away after the race so that everything is fresh in my mind, but getting them up on here has been a bit of a challenge as I have been really focusung on getting my running group up and running. I'll tell you more about that in another post. This one is about the EA Riverside Dash!

On Sunday April 7th, I ran the EA Sports Riverside Dash 5k in Sanford Florida. The race was both a 5k and a 15k option. The race was put on by Final Mile Race Management. The Packet pick up was held at Fleet Feet Orlando which made it very easy for pick up.

Mom's Run This Town
 This was the first race that I ran with several of my Mom's Run This Town members. Well, I actually didn't run WITH them as they all did the 15k. I was still nursing the sore knee from the knock down at the Disney Princess 1/2 in February. I'm really glad that I made that choice though. It was nice to finish the race & be there at the end to cheer in my MRTT Mama's. See. I'm the slow one, so usually everyone is done and cheering me in at the end, which is an amazing feeling. There was something special though about being there at the finish line to cheer each member in and to see the faces as they accomplished goals. Like Erin, placing in her age group, and Shelley making a PR, and Sunshine going against all odds and finishing strong. It was an honor to be there to cheer them in.

Richelle and I before the race

I have to say that this race definitely places in my top 5 races. The course was flat and went mainly along the waterfront. At mile 2 I took an amazing picture of the sun rising over the water. It boosted my mood greatly and helped me to keep going.

This is a great course for anyone wanting to PR. The only part of the course I didn't like to much was when it went through the main street of town. The roads there are brick, and that tends to be hard on both my shins and knees. This stretch was not too long though and the beauty of the old town buildings were a nice distraction.

Dawn-Marie, Me & Tyler 

Then before you know it you are back along the water front for the return to the finish. There were 2 water stops along  the 5k course, but you actually went by them in both directions so you had a total of 4 stops. LOVED that. I loved even more that the water stops were manned by fellow teammates from Team in Training. The race benefited the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It was great seeing so many of my past teammates on the course cheering me along, as well as having all three of my children there helping at the water stop as well. It was so nice to have them be a part of this.

Once I crossed the finish line I was handed my medal. It was really cool, looks like a stop watch. They also had A pancake breakfast & for those that wished to have one, an ice cold beer.  I admit I took a sip of beer, but yeah wasn't quite feeling it, so switched to an Irish coffee ( non-alcoholic) courtesy of my friends at the Team in Training booth, who were signing up participants for the Dublin 1/2 coming up.

Erin with her award!

I was pleasantly surprised that they gave out awards to the top 5 (yes 5!!) finishers in each age group for both the 5k and the 15k.  Even with my messed up knee and not being able to run it at all, I still managed to finish 51:09  Definitely not my best, but not my worst either.

We had a lot of fun at the finish area as well. There were a good amount of vendors with swag to give away, but my favorite was the photo booth from EA Sports. FREE photo. It was great. As you can see from the smiles on the faces of our fellow MRTT members we all had an amazing time. 

I am looking forward to running this race again next year. This time the 15k. Thank you to Final Mile Race Management for putting on a top notch race.
MRTT Pride!!!
Cathy finishing the 15k Strong

Shelley & Olivia
I made a new running friend
Cathy, Erin,Me & Shelley after the race.