Hmmm...Topic of the Day?? I don't know let me go to my handy dandy magazine & pick a random page and see what I can put my finger on.
DRUM ROLL Please!!!! The word is...
Wow, that's a great topic because I never seem to talk about my family enough. After all I wouldn't have any motivation without them. I post on health and running and my odd crazy thoughts but truth of the matter is that without my amazing family I would have nothing. My rock & Inspiration. Their love and support are the cornerstone of all that I do.
God is my top support. My family though make up the remaining tent poles of my crazy circus of a life.

My first born! The first little gift & my comfort pole. He watches out for me from a far. He is so loving and supportive and Strong. He is always there for me with a strong shoulder if mom ever needs one. He is 21 now which really makes me feel old. He is now a man of his own. I am so very proud of the man that he has become. I know that he will make some women proud someday. Funny how I can picture him with a wife, but still find it odd to watch him while he watched football with a beer in his hand. lol
He like to cook, and I might say he is pretty good at it too. Just don't ask him to make something that he has to follow directions on.; he is much better when you just let him create his own amazing dishes. He took culinary in High school and then went on the culinary after that. I think he wants to go back to school and get more into the restaurant and hospitality management end of things now. He could do it too. He has a knack for it.
My mirror image. She was a surprise from the start. **background on that: She was supposed to have been a boy. Dr. told me right up to delivery that it was a boy. All ultra sounds said BOY! Then surprise of all surprises out pops this amazing beautiful bright eyed little girl*
Now when I say she is my mirror image I mean in more ways than one. She does seem to look like me, at least that is what everyone always tells us. besides the outward looks, she is me all the way around. Strong willed stubborn, intelligent, kind hearted and determined. She has all my traits good and bad. I think that partly came from the incredibly close bond that we shared as she was growing up. She was my right hand my partner in crime. She my Rory to me her Lorelei (Gilmore bond). The down side to that is as she grew older she also grew more head strong and independent. As history often repeats itself she moved out of the house at 18 just like I did and it wasn't on the best of terms.
We are currently working on rebuilding that bond. We still have a relationship that is what matters most. It's just distant at times and that can be harder sometimes because i really miss the closeness we once shared, and having her there as my best friend and confidant.
I have hope though, because just like with myself and my mom that bond can be rebuilt. She just needs to discover what life is about and realize that sometimes you just have to let go of the anger and pride and make the first move to be the one to say I'm sorry for whatever the misunderstanding was & I would like to just move forward. She is 19 now and entering college after taking a short break. I am fully confident that she will do great things. She has a good head on her shoulders & I know she will be OK.
My baby boy. He's 15 years old and every bit his father. He was my mom's little man. She spoiled him rotten. From the time he was 2 weeks old until we moved here to the Orlando area in 2001 she took care of him while I worked. We even lived with her for a few years so that I could get back on my feet. So, being completely and utterly spoiled by Grandma and being the youngest you can only imagine how he is now. Plus add in the fact that he is now a teenage boy. Oh yeah we have our moments with him. We struggle with him on daily basis when it comes to school work and being respectful, and he can be a little defiant at times. But remember I said he is like his dad. Get ALL that from him.
He did get some of my traits as well. He has a huge heart and is full of kindness. he loves to help others. He is strong willed just like me too. I know once we get through these tough teen years he will be OK. He's still young and learning about life. He is super smart too. honestly of all three of my children he is probably the smartest. He has a high IQ and loves computers and video games, and hope to go into the Air Force one day/ Yeah he will be OK, he will do just fine in life. I love him with all my heart.
Remember I told you wee hit a rough spot when I was younger. I look back now and I can see that two things contributed to that. ME! and my stubborn independent streak, and the death of my Dad when I was just 18. My Dad was my rock, my everything. I was every aspect of daddy's little girl. The youngest of 7 (one sister, and 5 older brothers) I was his little Angel & man did I eat that up. Life changed for me at that point & I felt things would never be the same. I didn't appreciate my mom at that point I was too consumed with the lose of my Dad.
As I grew older and had kids of my own and faced the many hardships along the way my mom was always there for me. She took me & the kids in when we needed it. She has helped me financially, emotionally. She even came all the way here to take care of me when I had to have surgery. She continues to always be there whenever I need someone. She is an amazing women and I don't think I tell her that enough sometimes. She is where I get my loving heart from.
She raised 7 children of her own & even now she still continues to help all of us when needed. She's there for her children, her Grandchildren, and even her Great Grandchildren. She is every aspect of a MOM.. I love you so very much!
The last support beam in my life is my fiance Larry. Although the road we have traveled together has been one of rocky paths and so many crossroads. Crossroads where we have not always chosen to take the right paths on. They even lead us down a path that caused us to travel apart for a while. Somehow we landed back together. Even though life is never easy and circumstances seem to get in the way more than they should, I always know that he loves me. He was a gift from God to help see me through. he is kind hearted and stubborn and old fashioned. He loves me with all his heart and all that he has and makes me know it in the little things that he does. For instance every morning he always makes me a cup of coffee. He seems to always know right when I am about to get up and there it is a nice hot cup of coffee waiting for me on the night stand.
We may not always see eye to eye, and he may not always know it but my love for him is forever and as long as he is by my side I feel like I can get through anything.
My Dad had a lot of impact on my life too but I'm gonna save telling you about him for another post.
So that's my family. May not be perfect and we may not always be bubbles and roses, but it's MY family. It's why I breath, why I fight, and why I live.
Till next time...Run for fun, Run for you, Run4life!!