That is a really tough day for me. Followed by Fathers Day and June 20th. Why are these days so hard. They all remind me of my Dad.
Fathers Day because he is my Dad, June 20th The day he was born and December 2nd the Day we lost him in 1988.

My Dad always knew how to make you smile. He was fair and honest, and loved everyone, and was loved by everyone. He was tough when he needed to be but you always knew he loved you. He was strong, kind, and touched the lives of all those around him.
He had just the right amount of smarts mixed with a little bit of smart ass. LOL!! And man could he cook!!! He always knew how to make me feel better when I was sad, he made me believe that I could do anything I set my mind too, even keep up with my 5 older brothers.
He taught me values about family and friends and how to be a person to be proud of. I miss him more and more every year. you would think that with time it would get easier, but it doesn't. It just seems like that space where only a fathers love can fill just grows larger and larger.
So I will get through today just like I do every year at this time. By crying, remembering, and missing the one man in my life that loved my so unconditionally that I knew I could ALWAYS be myself, and speak my mind and NEVER had to worry about seeing a look of disappointment in his eye. I was and will always be Daddy's little Girl..his Angel of Hope!
I miss you Dad!!!
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