Saturday, December 1, 2012


Wow, it's been a little bit since I've blogged. i don't know where to start. Hmm...I guess I'll start with a health update. i did the radiation Therapy & I am now sort of in a limbo...latest biopsy & blood work show that I am currently Not at a Pre-cancerous state. However my DR. does caution me that it could change at anytime. So i will go back every 2 weeks for the next 2 months and then in Late January, early February we will schedule a date for removal of the tumor.

Like me, you are probably asking Why wait? Why not just get the darn thing out now. Good Question. One that I asked too. the answer I get is always full of technical bull that I have no idea what it means but what it all boils down to is the position of the tumor is in a place that could complicate removal fully. Since it is not growing they want to take a wait and see approach. So as of now I am dealing with the oddest symptoms. It presses on my sinus nerve and tells my brain from time to time that my sinuses need to be cleared (even though they don't) so I end up with post nasal drip which is irritating the back of my throat causing me to cough and at times hack up a lung. Of course all that coughing is making my throat sore and my back and lung hurts from coughing so much. The worst part is that taking anything really doesn't help much because my brain still thinks those sinuses need to drain.

OK so that's the health update!!

Now what about the race world!!??

I completed the Disney Wine & Dine 1/2 Marathon on November 10th with my son. I even PR'd  I finished my first half at Disney in January in about 4:09, and I finished Nike in 4:17 in San Fransisco with all those HILLS. Well, I finished Wine & Dine in 3:49 and it wasn't easy.

I really thought I would do it in 3:30 but I was so exhausted after mile 10 that it became hard to keep up any sort of pace. Those radiation treatments really did zap a lot of my energy and endurance out of me. Overall though it was a great race and an even better weekend.  I am so very proud of my son for doing this with me as well.

What's Next!?!?!

That's a really good question! I'm really not sure. I am taking a break from anything that involves fundraising for a while. I am a little burned out on that right now and to be honest it really has to do with how hard I had to struggle to reach my fundraising goals this time around. As of right now my son is still about $300 short of his fundraising.

I'm not going to let this stop me from running and completing races though. I have a goal for 2013. I will complete at least 1 race a month 5k, 10k, what ever. I already have 2 in January. The Orlando Color Run January 13th and The Base Camp 10K January 18th.

So that's my update as of now.

Till next time

Run for fun, Run for you, Run4Life!


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