Monday, November 5, 2012

Angel Snugs ...Team Winging it!!!

OK, so why Angel Snugs...

Angel Snugs is were I first learned about and fell in love with Lilly.

See Lilly is the the spokes child for Angel Snugs. I saw her in pictures and post and hoped to get the chance to meet her, but before I could this sweet little Angel lost her battle with cancer.

 I may not have had the privilege of meeting her face to face, yet I feel like I know her, like I have known her. Partly because of my own battles with cancer and that connection you feel with others who have fought the battle, but also through Angi F, and Lilly's mom Melinda.


Talk about one tough lady. Melinda is amazing and a true inspiration. Not just because of having to pick up the shattered pieces everyday and trying to survive through the loss of her child, but in how she has been dealing with it. She has opened herself up to the world, well the facebook world at least.

Melinda is very open about her feelings, her struggles, her joy, and her pain. She has shared her life & Lilly with all that listen. She's honest and tells it like it is, the good and the bad. I believe this not only helps her by allowing her a way to vent and get it off her chest, but I know that it will help someone else out there that may be suffering. Help someone else see that it's pk to feel the way they do.

Melinda is grieving in a way that only she can & no one should ever hold that against her. I applaud her strength & her courage. I can only sit back in awe at her strength and pray that God will always be there to hold her when needed and lift her up during the bad times.


I am hoping to do more Angle Snugs Events, not only because it a great organization, but because it is a local one. LLS is amazing as well, and I am so thankful for the new passion it has given me, but they are national & receive lots of support from TNT and Donors all over the world. Angel Snugs is smaller and just as great a cause. My dedication and efforts are now for them. Again if you would like to help please donate at

Wine & DINE...

The race is a 1/2 Marathon on November 10th. It's a night race that starts at about 10pm. I sure hope that it's not too cold...or too hot. Similar to Tower of Terror, again hopefully not as hot and humid as TOT was.

I'm doing this race with my oldest Son MIKE!!!It will be his first 1/2 marathon. I'm so very proud of him for doing this. For helping to raise money for a good cause and for attempting this major event. I am a little nervous for him though because he really hasn't been training the way that he should. Disney races are that that easy because of the minimum pace requirement and I sure hope he makes it OK.

I think he has it in mind that if his old mom can do it than he can too. Only thing is that mom has been training for over a year and has already completed 2 other 1/2 Marathons. lol



The past few weeks have been a challenge...Dr. medications. Not all that fun. I've been feeling excessively tired & still trying to maintain myself at work & keeping up with my family. Unfortunately my friends have fallen to the wayside. I have forgotten to call my best friend back when promised..(which I will do tonight), I haven't talked to anyone other than my family and Dr's and customers at work err.... I am sooo looking forward the my race coming up on the 10th. I really need the distraction. 

Many days I wonder how I can possibly keep all this together. This is only the beginning, in a couple weeks I will do 5 days of Radiation Therapy. Not looking forward to that, then we will schedule the appt to remove the tumor...hopefully the whole thing this time.

My Dr has told me I need to keep moving, even when I feel tired. That the walking I am doing is probably the best thing for me, the next breath she says make sure to take it easy when I need to and don't over do it... Hey I'm a runner now what does over do it mean??? lol.. I follow my motto "Run till you can't and walk till you can"

Now that we are on the subject of running, let's talk a little about Wine & Dine and Angel Snugs.

I told you last time that I would fill you in more about Angel Snugs & Team Winging it. This is the organization that was started by my dear friend Angi F. It's local to Florida and is a non-profit organization founded to provide training to youth groups and organizations, senior groups and other volunteers of all demographics on how to design and create "snugs". It's mission is to then donate these "snugs" to medical facilities to comfort children fighting cancer while enduring their lifesaving treatments.

Winging It! is their team endurance training program. And Wine & Dine is their Inaugural event. If you would like to support me in this you can go to   Proceeds will benefit our Angel Snugs program and allow us to provide comfort to more children fighting cancer with our snugs.

Being a new organization they need more help spreading awareness and getting Donations of all sorts including supplies such as yarn, needle looms etc.

To be continued in a few...